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Choose Print
is an educational campaign designed to promote the effectiveness of print and to reinforce the fact that print on paper is a recyclable and renewable and thus a sustainable environmental choice.

First launched in January 2011, the Choose Print campaign has used a variety of online and offline tools to get the message out. At the hub is this website, which acts as a clearinghouse to bring together recent research and links to credible websites that tell the story about the marketing power and environmental record of print.

To drive people to this website, Choose Print has used print ads, direct mail postcards, printed brochures, reprintable articles, news releases, YouTube videos, vehicle wraps and social media. Choose Print has also been showcased at trade shows and expos, and featured in articles in industry publications.

Choose Print is sponsored by Printing Industries Association, Inc. of Southern California (PIASC), the largest local graphic arts trade association in the nation, serving the interests of more than 1,100 member companies.
